🌉Bridge WOM tokens to Arbitrum

Bridge WOM from BNB Chain to Arbitrum

WOM token holders can now transfer their assets from BNB Chain to Arbitrum using Wormhole's Portal Bridge. After the successful transfer, WOM can be converted into mWOM through the Arbitrum WOM UP Party at 1:1 ratio, allowing users to earn ARB rewards for each WOM converted.

In this guide, we will provide you with simple and detailed instructions for each step of the transfer process using Wormhole's Portal Bridge. Before we proceed, we would like to remind you to prioritize your security and take necessary precautions to protect yourself.

1. Select BNB Chain as the “source chain”.

2. Select Arbitrum as the “target chain”.

3. Connect your wallet.

4. Press “Select a token” and pick WOM

5. Enter the amount of WOM tokens that you want to bridge from BNB Chain to Arbitrum

6. Press “Next” (“Approve” your tokens transfer, press “Transfer” and wait for confirmation).

2. Next:

  1. Press “Redeem”

  2. Select BNB Chain

  3. Connect your wallet

  4. Press “Recover”

3. Redeem your tokens:

  1. Click “Redeem” and confirm the transaction in your wallet

  2. In order to pay gas fees on Arbitrum, you will need “

  3. Confirm you received WOM tokens in your wallet through the Arbitrum network

  4. Congratulations, your tokens are now successfully bridged!

Last updated